Monday, March 26, 2012

Took a break from the grind today to reflect more on my classes and then work on my business plan. I am trying to think of a niche to create in the heavily saturated world of body scrubs, bath salts, and body butters. I know it sounds like a weird product line but it is something that I think could make a little money.

But I'll be damned if the marketer in me can't think of a decent name for it. Any ideas out there? Could earn you a net profit in the future... heh, heh.

Not much to say today, hopefully I'll have some shit to say later.


  1. Classes eh? What are you majoring in? Perhaps make a post about your college experience!

  2. Yeah man school before anything else. Wish that was as easily done as said XD

  3. Butter yoself! that should be the name rofl.

  4. good luck with your should be easier with a school degree

  5. Good for you, I honestly need to work harder in my classes.
